Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Why do I always get drawn towards my past? Why do I feel guilty of the past though I was not responsible for it? Why do I feel incapable to move past of it? So many questions and so many thoughts. Then, it finally hit me. I finally came to understand it. How it would finally works for me. This feeling I feel isn't something that I can just remove or ignore. It's something that has to be substitute. It is like a space that can never be left void. A space that can never be vacuum. Leaving it void and vacuum would eventually transforms into a black hole, destroying everything in its path. Something that wouldn't be a pretty sight to see. The past has to be replaced with the present for me to move on to the future. Something that could just takeover the very spot my past resides. Well, it's easier said than done for someone who is anchored to the past. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

I can't remember the last time I posted here. It feels like it's been ages. So much has happened since the last entry. Life changing incidents to be specific. Anyway, I'm back on track as usual. Got a into and out of a job in the same month. Been working part time since last year though it's not really considered as working.

Bought some books from India. Awesome books I should point out. Shiva trilogy and Asura. Both related to Hindu mythology. Not gonna talk about the book here since that would be a spoiler but one thing for, it's makes you look at things differently and will totally spark your imagination.