I can't remember the last time I posted here. It feels like it's been ages. So much has happened since the last entry. Life changing incidents to be specific. Anyway, I'm back on track as usual. Got a into and out of a job in the same month. Been working part time since last year though it's not really considered as working.
Bought some books from India. Awesome books I should point out. Shiva trilogy and Asura. Both related to Hindu mythology. Not gonna talk about the book here since that would be a spoiler but one thing for, it's makes you look at things differently and will totally spark your imagination.
Bought some books from India. Awesome books I should point out. Shiva trilogy and Asura. Both related to Hindu mythology. Not gonna talk about the book here since that would be a spoiler but one thing for, it's makes you look at things differently and will totally spark your imagination.