Thursday, July 29, 2010

Random Confession of a Guy

this is a random confession of a guy,
more like a confession of a random guy,
little things he thought that might not get out,
stuffs like when he has deadline to catch,
his playing spot the difference on facebook,
stuffs like when he has a final around the corner,
his watching movie on abo,
little things he thought will remain little,
too bad for him,
those little things do grow over time,
now rather than being a shadow in the past,
now its more like a reflection of the future,
he thinks that this random confession could make things better,
lets hope the best for him,
confession of a guy,
not confession of a shopaholic,
but a random confession of a guy,
can't think of anything else to confess,
maybe confess some random confession since his random,
random stuffs like...
his addicted to ice cold water,
ice lemon tea,
sitting down on a lazy chair thinking some random thoughts,
and getting bored over something ordinary as soon as it starts,
like this confession since it's something i already know,
i've know every single things i confessed here,
but im just being random and trying to ignore them,
let's hope some random angel might just come by,
and save me from this misery of my very own,
random confession of a guy...


Unknown said...

finals already? lol. got time being random..hahahaa

Random Guy said...

haha! finals for this sem... one sem only bout 14 weeks... well i cant stop being myself just because of final rite?? haha! once random always random